Property of the Site.

In accordance with Law 34/2002, of July 11 and other applicable legislation, we inform you that this website is owned by the entity with the company name Köseri C.B. and C.I.F. number E37363975 hereinafter La Tienda; This entity has its registered office at Calle José Jáuregui 10, 37002 Salamanca.

You can contact The Store at the phone number 923 270 357 or at the email address

Unless expressly stated otherwise, communications with The Store may be made by ordinary mail at the physical address or by email. The company will contact the User via email, at the address in its possession or provided in this regard.

Operation of the site.

The Store reserves the right to modify, at any time, unilaterally and without the need for prior notification to its users, the contents, structure, operation or access conditions of this site.

Likewise, The Store reserves the right to temporarily suspend, without prior notice, access to this site to carry out maintenance, updating, improvement or repair operations.

The user is prohibited from using this website to send, transmit or publish any illegal, threatening, libelous, defamatory, propagandistic, scandalous, obscene, pornographic material, or any other material that could give rise to civil or criminal liability. in accordance with the applicable legislation, these facts for which the user will be responsible in any case.

The Store does not guarantee that this website or the servers that host it are free of viruses and other potentially dangerous software, as well as the availability, continuity, usefulness and infallibility of the operation of this site, its services or its contents; nor the legality, reliability or usefulness of the information and content provided by third parties through this site.

In general, this site may only be used by natural and legal persons with sufficient legal capacity in accordance with the applicable legislation. Exceptionally, minors who have previously obtained the authorization of their parents or legal guardians may use the site, who will be responsible for the use that the minor in their charge makes of the site.

User behavior. Prohibitions

The use of the contents and services offered by La Tienda will be at the sole risk and responsibility of the user.

The company does not assume any duty or commitment to verify or monitor the content and information entered by users.

The user agrees to use the website and all its content and services in a diligent manner, always subject to the Law, good customs, and these general conditions, always maintaining respect for other users.

Likewise, the user agrees to make appropriate use of the materials and information contained on the website, not using them to carry out illegal activities or activities that constitute a crime, that violate the rights of third parties, or that violate the regulation on intellectual property. and industrial, or any other rules of the applicable legal system, being the only responsible to The Store and third parties for the breach of what is established herein.

The user undertakes not to transmit, introduce, disseminate or make available to third parties, any type of material and information contrary to the Law, morals, public order and these general conditions of use.

In any case, the user must always provide truthful information that cannot lead to any type of confusion, as well as correct identification data, and never impersonating or on behalf of third parties.

In relation to the violation of any irregularity, remember that the IP address of your computer is recorded by simply accessing our website.