Buying at KÖSERI is very easy, follow the following instructions:

1. Select the product you want to buy through our menu of categories and subcategories.

2. Click on the product you are interested in to view its file where you will be able to see the photographs of the product in detail, its description, the available sizes, its composition, etc.

3. If you want to buy the product, click on the ADD TO BASKET button.
Then you can choose to continue shopping or go to MY BASKET to process your order.

4. If you want to buy more products at KÖSERI, repeat the process until all the products you want are added to your basket.

5. To finalize your purchase, you have to access MY BASKET and click on CONFIRM PURCHASE.

6. To process the order you will have to Register if it is your first purchase, or Identify yourself if you are already registered at

7. Once registered / identified, check that all the products in the basket and the shipping information are correct and click on FINISH PURCHASE.

8. Next, a page of the banking gateway will open from where you can manage the payment by credit card.

9. Once the payment process is completed within the bank's gateway, you will see the summary of your purchase.

10. You will receive by email the confirmation of your purchase with a summary of it.